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【頂手及租舖事宜 你要知 】What to consider when buying a business and renting a shop in the UK
【頂手及租舖事宜 你要知 】What to consider when buying a business and renting a shop in the UK

【頂手及租舖事宜 你要知 】What to consider when buying a business and renting a shop in the UK

香港商匯特地請來透過頂手形式經營外賣店的店主Roy Tam以及於倫敦開韓式炸雞店嘅KK,分享佢哋頂手創業嘅過程及租舖時需要注意嘅事項。Join us for a live webinar to learn more about buying a business and renting a shop in the UK

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Time & Location 時間及地點

Mar 27, 2023, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM

via Google Meet

Details 活動詳情

(Please scroll down for english version)

【免費網上講座】頂手及租舖事宜 你要知

萬事起頭難,由申請牌照、添置設備、以致尋找客源及物色店舖地點,當中總會遇到不少困難。有不少人希望透過頂手去創業,藉此減低初創時有機會遇到的經營困難。亦有人希望由零開始創立自家品牌,但於覓舖過程中遇到不少阻滯。香港商匯 今次請來透過頂手形式經營外賣店的店主Roy Tam以及於倫敦開設韓式炸雞店的KK,分享他們頂手創業的過程及租舖時需要注意的事項,希望幫助大家於英國一步步成功創立自己的生意。






Roy Tam






日期:3月27日 (一)

時間:2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m. (英國夏令時間)

對象:主要為有意於英格蘭中部西區創業的港人 。(同時也歡迎其他地區的港人參與)




  1. 填妥報名表格後,將收到確認電郵及網上講座連結。
  2. 簡介會將會進行錄影,並上載至香港商匯網站及YouTtube。

【Free Business Webinar】What to consider when buying a business and renting a shop in the UK

It’s challenging to start a business from zero, from getting business licenses, purchasing equipment, identifying target customers to confirming the lease agreement. Therefore, many people find buying an existing business an easier way to start their journey. At the same time, some startups are facing different challenges when looking for a renting space. Hong Kong Business Hub is happy to have Roy Tam, owner of a takeaway shop and KK, franchisee of a Korean Fried Chicken Shop to share their learnings and experience throughout their startup journey including:

🔸The pros & cons when buying an existing business

🔸What to consider when buying an existing business

🔸The process of renting a retail shop

🔸Things to look out for when signing a lease

About the speakers

Roy Tam

Roy has very solid food trading experience in Hong Kong and he always wanted to open his own restaurant. And it's a dream come true when he moved to the UK. Roy was planned to start a Hong Kong style restaurant from zero. However, he can't find the right place to rent. After considering all different factors, he changed his mind and decided to acquire a takeaway shop in Reading. Roy will share will us what to consider when buying an existing business.


KK and his wife Isabella were working non F&B in Hong Kong. KK was financial planner & Isabella was FMCG sales & marketing job. They moved to the UK 2 years ago. As a foodie themselves, they decided to run a F&B business. With no previous experiences, they chose to enter a franchising agreement with a Korean style food business.

KK will share with us his process of renting a retail shop and things to look out for when signing a lease.

Webinar Details

Date:  27 March 2022 (Mon)

Time:  2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m. (BST)

Participants: BN(O) status holders who live in West Midlands; other Hongkongers are also welcomed

Language: Cantonese

Fee: Free

Notice for participants

  1. A confirmation email, together with the meeting link, will be sent to your mailbox as soon as you register.
  2. The information session will be recorded and uploaded to our website and YouTube.


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