【高手過招 網絡營銷攻略和你Chat】Grow your business - Tips and Tricks of e-Marketing and E-Commerce
香港商匯特地請來電子商貿達人Hinz及社交媒體管理達人Kaga,跟我們分享經營網店生意和社交網絡平台的實戰經驗。 Join us for a live webinar to learn how to do Social Media Marketing and E-Commerce in the UK.
Time & Location 時間及地點
Apr 23, 2022, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Details 活動詳情
(Please scroll down for english version)
開創一門生意,就像養大一個小朋友一樣,由細到大,有不同階段和需要。在開業之初,究竟如何在有限資源下,建立好品牌形象、增加知名度,並透過經營網店作為創業的第一步 ?
香港商匯 Hong Kong Business Hub 請來eSportsOMG.com及JouSun.com創辦人之一Hinz及現於Roseate Hotels & Resorts英國分部市場部網上營銷部工作並擁有豐富社交媒體編輯經驗的Kaga , 分享他們經營網店生意和社交網絡平台的實戰經驗,希望為各位準備創業的同路人提供多一點指引!
🤔 社交媒體如何幫到你做生意
🤔 如何用有限成本做好品牌
🤔 由零開始開網店
🤔 單靠做好內容唔落廣告又得唔得?
品牌及UXUI設計師、eSportsOMG(esportsomg.com)共同創辦人、前早晨(jousun.com)共同創辦人。主責品牌設計及溝通、Google Ads及Facebook Ads網上推廣等。
前香港記者、社交媒體編輯,現為Roseate Hotels & Resorts英國分部市場部一員,主責社交媒體、電子刊物、邀約KOL及企業合作等。
對象: 有意於英格蘭西北部創業的港人,同時也歡迎其他地區的港人參與
語言: 廣東話
費用: 免費
截止報名日期:4月18日 (星期一) 晚上11時59分
1. 網上講座將會進行錄影,並上載至香港商匯網站及Youtube
2. 填妥報名表格後,將收到確認電郵。
3. 我們會於活動舉辦至少一天前將網上講座連結透過電郵送出。
Introduction of the webinar
Starting a business is the same as raising a child - there’s different needs as your business develops. Have you ever wondered how to build your own brand, increase the brand awareness and generate sales for your newly started online shop?
Hong Kong Business Hub are happy to have Hinz, one of the co-founder of eSportsOMG.com & JouSun.com as well as Kaga, an experienced social media content editor in Hong Kong and the UK to be our co-speaker. Don’t miss out the chance on listening their first-hand experience on running online shops and managing social media platforms th both HK and the UK!
Topic includes:
🤔 How to improve your business performance via social media?
🤔 How to build your own brand with limited resource?
🤔 How to start an online shop from scratch?
🤔 Is that OK not to spend money on purchasing social media ad?
About the speaker
Brand and UX/UI designer, co-founder of eSportomg.com and jonsun.com, handling brand design and communications, paid online marketing, etc.
former journalist and social content editor in Hong Kong, currently works in marketing department of Roseate Hotels & Resorts, handling social media channels, eDM marketing, KOL and coporate co-ordination
Webinar Details
Participants: BNO status holders who live in North-West England; Other Hongkongers are also welcomed.
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free
Application Deadline: 18 Apr (Mon) 23:59pm
Notice for participants
1. The webinar will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube.
2. A confirmation email will be sent to your mailbox as soon as the registration form is received.
3. The link for joining the webinar will be sent to you at least a day before the webinar starts.