免費1對1會計及稅務諮詢服務 Free 1-2-1 accounting and taxation consultation service
Brighton & Hove 限定 Exclusive for Brighton & Hove
Time & Location 時間及地點
May 15, 2023, 6:00 PM – May 23, 2023, 10:00 PM
1對1會計及稅務諮詢服務 1-2-1 Online Taxation Clinic
Details 活動詳情
Hong Kong Business Hub香港商匯將會與Brighton & Hove City Council 及 BIPC Brighton & Hove 舉辦一連串免費商業講座及諮詢服務,歡迎希望於英國創業的你參加!
感謝 Brighton & Hove Council 的資助,我們很高興邀請到早前英國商業架構及稅務講座的講者 –– 執業會計師Thomas提供免費的1對1網上諮詢服務。由於首輪報名反應熱烈,我們將加開6節網上諮詢!
名額:6名 (名額有限,報名從速)
講者:英國執業會計師 Mr. Thomas Fung
形式:Google meet
Hongkongbusinesshub is partnering with Brighton & Hove City Council and the Business & IP Centre Brighton & Hove to hold a series of free workshops and consultation sessions! We welcome everyone who is hoping to start a business or grow an existing business.
Thanks to the funding from Brighton & Hove Council, we are pleased to have the 'UK Business Structure and Taxation Workshop’ speaker, Thomas, a professional accountant, to provide one-to-one online consultation services. As we received really good feedbacks from the first round of consultation, we have decided to organise 6 more online consultation sessions.
Participants will enjoy a 1-hour consultation and can seek Thomas’ advice on choosing the right business structure, registration and tax implications!
Please list 2-3 questions you plan to ask when registering. Details:
Date and Time:
Session 1: May 15th, 6-7 PM
Session 2: May 15th, 9-10 PM
Session 3: May 16nd, 9-10 PM
Session 4: May 22nd, 6-7 PM
Session 5: May 22nd, 9-10PM
Session 6: May 23rd, 9-10 PM
Target: BNO visa holders who are hoping to start their own businesses in Brighton & Hove
Quota: 6
Guest speaker: Mr Thomas Fung
Language: Cantonese
Format: Google meet