免費1對1商業會計及稅務諮詢服務 Free 1-2-1 online consultation on business accounting & taxation
Brighton & Hove 限定 Exclusive for Brighton & Hove
Time & Location 時間及地點
Jun 20, 2024, 8:00 PM
Details 活動詳情
Hong Kong Business Hub 香港商匯再次獲Brighton & Hove City Council 資助,將聯同 BIPC Brighton & Hove 合作舉辦一連串免費商業及就業講座及諮詢服務,歡迎希望於英國創業、營商和就業的你參加!
名額:5名 (名額有限,報名從速)
講者:英國執業會計師 Mr. Thomas Fung
形式:Google Meet
Hong Kong Business Hub is honored to have received funding from Brighton & Hove City Council once again. In partnership with the Business & IP Centre Brighton & Hove, we are excited to host a series of complimentary workshops and consultation sessions tailored for Hongkongers aspiring to start a business, expand an existing enterprise, or enhance their employability in the UK.
We understand that many Hong Kong entrepreneurs face significant challenges with accounting and taxation in the UK. Therefore, we are delighted to offer five complimentary one-on-one online consultation sessions with Thomas, a professional accountant in the UK.
Participants will enjoy a 1-hour consultation and can seek Thomas’ advice on choosing the right business structure, registration and tax implications!
Please list 2-3 questions you plan to ask when registering. Details:
Date and Time:
Session 1: June 20th, 8-9 PM
Session 2: June 20th, 9-10 PM
Session 3: June 24th, 12-1 PM
Session 4: June 25th, 8-9 PM
Session 5: June 25th, 9-10PM
Eligibility: Hongkongers residing in Brighton & Hove who are planning to or currently running a business in the UK
Quota: 5
Guest speaker: Mr Thomas Fung
Language: Cantonese
Format: Google meet