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【商業會計及稅務疑難 和你拆】Something that you want to know for every business – accounting and taxation!
【商業會計及稅務疑難 和你拆】Something that you want to know for every business – accounting and taxation!

【商業會計及稅務疑難 和你拆】Something that you want to know for every business – accounting and taxation!

香港商匯特地請來擁有超過20年相關經驗的英國會計師事務所合伙人Joe Lee ,跟我們分享於英國處理公司開立及稅務事宜。 Join us for a live webinar to learn the accounting regulation and the tax system in the UK

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Time & Location 時間及地點

May 31, 2022, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM

via Google Meet

Details 活動詳情

(Please scroll down for english version)

【網上講座】商業會計及稅務疑難 和你拆

不少初來英國的港人皆聞”稅”色變,要理解英國營商的會計法規及複雜稅制不知從何入手。香港商匯 Hong Kong Business Hub 特地請來英國會計師事務所合伙人Joe Lee ,他擁有超過20年相關經驗,多年來協助海外港人於英國處理公司開立及稅務事宜,希望透過是次講座為各位準備創業的同路人提供多一點指引!


🤔 不同公司架構會計要求嘅分別

🤔 自僱人士點樣報稅

🤔 自僱或開公司嘅稅務考慮

🤔 幾時要註冊繳交VAT

🤔 直接稅和間接稅的簡介


Joe Lee

Joe 專為海外客戶(尤以香港客戶為主)提供不同類型的財務、會計及稅務相關的建議和服務。他處理的客戶類型相當廣泛,包括一些企業家、家族公司、高淨資產值客戶、個體商戶、合伙公司,以及於英國成立分部的海外公司,當中不乏上市公司。

另外,Joe對倫敦的房地產市場相當熟悉,經常代表不同的英國和海外的投資者及發展商處理相關業務。Joe畢業於格拉斯哥大學(Glasgow University ),並於思克莱德大學(Strathclyde University)取得研究生學位。他於1999年取得特許會計師資格,擁有超過20年的相關經驗。 Joe乃Leftley Rowe的合伙人之一,該公司是英國政府國際貿易部的顧問成員之一,支援海外業務投資。該公司擁有超過50年豐富經驗,按不同的本地及國際客戶需要制訂不同的服務方案。


對象: 主要為有意於英格蘭西北部創業的港人。(同時也歡迎其他地區的港人參與)

語言: 廣東話

費用: 免費

截止報名日期:5月29日 (星期日) 晚上11時59分


1. 網上講座將會進行錄影,並上載至香港商匯網站及Youtube

2. 填妥報名表格後,將收到確認電郵。

3. 我們會於活動舉辦至少一天前將網上講座連結透過電郵送出。

Introduction of the webinar

It’s never easy to understand the accounting regulation and the tax system in the UK for newly arrived Hongkongers who would like to start a business here. Hong Kong Business Hub will organise 2 webinars and we are happy to have Joe Lee, partner of Leftley Rowe & Company, who has solid experience on structuring clients’ business and tax affairs in the UK, to be our speaker. Don’t miss out the chance on listening his sharing and asking him questions directly during the webinar!

Topic includes:

🤔 The accounting requirements under different company structures

🤔 How to send a tax return if I am self-employed?

🤔 How to consider if i should incorporate my business or stay as a sole trader?

🤔 When should I register and pay VAT

🤔 Introduction of Direct Tax and Indirect Tax in the UK

About the speaker

Joe Lee

Joe specialises in advising overseas (especially Hong Kong) clients who wish to move to the UK and provides assistance to help them structure their business and tax affairs. Furthermore, he provides financial advice, accountancy and tax issues for entrepreneurs, family offices, high net worth private individuals and owner-managed businesses in the UK as well as UK subsidiaries of overseas companies including public listings. He also has extensive knowledge of the London property market acting for many UK and overseas investors and developers. Joe graduated from Glasgow University and obtained a postgraduate degree from Strathclyde University as well. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1999 and has over 20 years’ experience in the profession. Leftley Rowe is endorsed by Department for International Trade of the UK government as one of the Advisory Panel in supporting overseas businesses investing in the UK. The firm has more than 50 years of experience in providing bespoke financial solutions to domestic and international clients.

Webinar Details

Participants: BNO status holders who live in North-West England; Other Hongkongers are also welcomed

Language: Cantonese

Fee: Free

Application Deadline: 29 May (Sun) 23:59

Notice for participants

1. The webinar will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube.

2. A confirmation email will be sent to your mailbox as soon as the registration form is received.

3. The link for joining the webinar will be sent to you at least a day before the webinar starts.


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