物流搬運公司幕後之旅 Logistic company behind-the-scenes tour
Time & Location 時間及地點
May 11, 2023, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Avonmouth, Unit 5, Avon Riverside Estate, Victoria Rd, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 9DB, UK
Details 活動詳情
【英格蘭西南部 - 港人公司考察及交流系列】物流搬運公司幕後之旅
越嚟越多香港人於英國創業,各行各業,遍地開花。為更令更多有意創業的BN(O)港人了解不同行業的運作,以及認識到其他創業人士, 香港商匯 Hong Kong Business Hub將會與South West BN(O) Welcome Hub合作,舉辦一系列「港人公司考察及交流活動」,帶大家去參觀幾間由香港人創立的公司!
第一擊我們將會到位於Bristol的KongTrans Global,他們於2019年創立,於Bristol、London及Manchester提供一站式物流搬運服務,短短4年已服務5000+客戶。我們很榮幸邀請到 KongTrans Global的創辦人Vincent,帶大家參觀他們於Bristol 7,000呎的辦公室同貨倉。Vincent還會與大家分享他的營運心得及未來計劃。
日期:2023年5月11日 (四)
時間:2:00 - 3:30 p.m. (英國時間)
參觀公司:KongTrans Global
地址:5 Victoria Road, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9DB
【South West England - Hong Kong business visit and networking programme】Logistic company behind-the-scenes tour
More and more Hongkongers are starting their businesses, in various industries, across the UK. In order to let more BN(O) Hongkongers, who are interested in starting a business, understand the business operation of different industries and meet up with other entrepreneurs, Hong Kong Business Hub 香港商匯 partners with the South West BN(O) Welcome Hub to organise a series of business visits and networking events in the coming months!
As our kickstart event, we will visit KongTrans Global in Bristol, a one-stop logistics and handling company! They were founded in 2019 and are now provide services in Bristol, London and Manchester. In just 4 years, they have served 5000+ customers. We are honored to have Vincent, the founder of KongTrans Global, to show us around their 7,000-square-foot office and warehouse in Bristol. Vincent will also share his experience and future plans with us.
Event Details
Date: 11 May 2023 (Thu)
Time: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. (GMT)
Venue: KongTrans Global
Location: 5 Victoria Road, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9DB
Event Details: company visit, founder’s sharing, participants networking
Target: BN(O) visa holders who are hoping to start their own businesses in South West England; other Hongkongers are welcomed to join
Quota: 20, first-come-first-served
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free