【英國電子商貿及進出口物流 和你Talk】Guide to E-commerce & logistics management in the UK
香港商匯特地請來電子商貿達人Hinz及Buyship Express創辦人Gary,分享經營網店的心得以及處理出入口貨物運輸時需注意的事項。Join us for a live webinar to learn more about E-commerce & logistics management in the UK
Time & Location 時間及地點
Jan 09, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
via Google Meet
Details 活動詳情
(Please scroll down for english version)
【免費網上講座】英國電子商貿及進出口物流 和你Talk
很多人認為開網店容易、入場成本亦較低,但開始營運之後,卻發現要處理的問題不比實體店少,除了要思考如何於競爭激烈的電子商貿市場突圍而出,還要處理煩複的出入口物流同報關事宜。不止聽過一次做生意的朋友說:「解決到公司的物流問題,生意已經成功一大半。」香港商匯 Hong Kong Business Hub 今次請來eSportsOMG.com 創辦人之一Hinz及業務跨越英加港日台等地的物流公司Buyship Express創辦人Gary,與我們分享一下經營網店的心得以及處理出入口貨物運輸時需注意的事項。
品牌及UXUI設計師、eSportsOMG(esportsomg.com)共同創辦人、前早晨(jousun.com)共同創辦人。主責品牌設計及溝通、Google Ads及Facebook Ads網上推廣等。
日期:1月9日 (一)
時間:7 - 830 p.m. (英國時間)
對象:主要為有意於英格蘭中部西區創業的港人 。(同時也歡迎其他地區的港人參與)
- 填妥報名表格後,將收到確認電郵及網上講座連結。
- 簡介會將會進行錄影,並上載至香港商匯網站及YouTtube。
【Free Business Webinar】Guide to E-commerce & logistics management in the UK
Many thought starting an E-commerce business is relatively easy with low start-up cost. However, there’re quite some challenges ahead of you throughout the E-commerce journey, for example, how to stand out from the competition? Meanwhile, managing the complicated import and export logistics is also crucial for the success of your business. Hong Kong Business Hub 香港商匯 is happy to have Hinz, a very experienced E-commerce entrepreneur, and Gary, owner of a global courier company focus on eCommerce logistic to share about:
🔸How to start an online shop from scratch?
🔸Comparison of different E-commerce platforms
🔸How to pick the best logistics solution for your business
🔸Important notes for importing to the UK
🔸Introduction of customs clearance
About the speakers
Brand and UX/UI designer, co-founder of eSportomg.com and jonsun.com, handling brand design and communications, paid online marketing, etc.
Gary graduated with a degree of Computer Engineering from The University of Hong Kong. Hs has solid experience in E-commerce sofware development with deep understanding of different E-commerce platforms, for example Shopline, Shopify, Woocommerce, etc. He also operated business in eBay and Amazon.
He began his entrepreneur journey in logistics industry since 2011 and he developed his own shipment consolidation and inventory management system to export goods to overseas through air freight, sea freight as well as truck transport. He is delighted to share his insight and knowledge gained from his solid experience in the logiostics and delivery industry.
Webinar Details
Date: 9 January 2022 (Mon)
Time: 7 - 830 p.m.(BST)
Participants: BN(O) status holders who live in West Midlands; other Hongkongers are also welcomed
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free
Notice for participants
- A confirmation email, together with the meeting link, will be sent to your mailbox as soon as you register.
- The information session will be recorded and uploaded to our website and YouTube.