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【英國請人攻略 和你斟】What do you need to know when hiring staff in the UK
【英國請人攻略 和你斟】What do you need to know when hiring staff in the UK

【英國請人攻略 和你斟】What do you need to know when hiring staff in the UK

香港商匯特地請來人力資源管理達人Wanda Chow及Find A Good Boss 英國代表,為我們講介一下在英國請人時需特別留意的事項。 Join us for a live webinar to learn HR practice in the UK from the best

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Time & Location 時間及地點

Nov 02, 2022, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM

via Google Meet

Details 活動詳情

(Please scroll down for english version)

【免費網上講座】英國請人攻略 和你斟

英國的勞工法例、職場文化、以致稅制都與香港有很大分別。不論打算自僱還是聘請員工,都要對這裏的勞工法例及職場文化有所認識,避免誤墮法網之餘,在管理團隊上亦會更得心應手。香港商匯特別請來Find A Good Boss 英國代表及於英國

擁有豐富招聘及人力資理管理經驗的投資基金董事Wanda Chow,為我們講解一下在英國聘請員工時需要特別留意的地方。大家萬勿錯過!


  • 自僱人士的定義及登記程序
  • 新的財政措施對請人成本有何影響
  • 不同聘用模式有何分別
  • 探討英國職場文化,並分享管理員工秘訣


Wanda Chow

Wanda是一位投資基金董事, 業務涵蓋餐飲、旅遊業及房地產投資,投資組合包括位於英格蘭中部超過250間學生宿舍。Wanda過往曾於荷蘭海牙的國際刑事法院及紐約的聯合國秘書長辦公廳工作。


Find A Good Boss 英國分部 成立於2019年7月,是一間以招聘香港年輕專業人士為主的社企。於2021年年尾,Find A Good Boss獲得 At Home Foundation的資助,將業務伸展至英國,為在英的BNO港人,尤是是欠缺財務支援的一群年輕人,提供工作配對、職業諮詢及求職講座等服務,希望令他們能盡早於英國安定下來。由成立至今,Find A Good Boss 英國分部已接觸了幾十位在英僱主及過百位的求職者。


日期:11月2日 (三)

時間:12:30 - 2 p.m. (英國時間)

對象:主要為有意於英格蘭中部西區創業的港人 。(同時也歡迎其他地區的港人參與)




  1. 填妥報名表格後,將收到確認電郵及網上講座連結。
  2. 簡介會將會進行錄影,並上載至香港商匯網站及YouTtube。

【Free Business Webinar】What do you need to know when hiring staff in the UK?

No matter if you are an employer or if you are self-employed, it’s a must to understand the employment regulations and working culture in the UK. It’s not only about governance and compliance, but also managing your team efficiently. Hong Kong Business Hub  is happy to have the UK representative of Find a Good Boss UK, and Ms. Wanda Chow, who has very solid experience in employing and managing people in the UK, to share about:

  • What is the definition of self-employed and how to register?
  • How the mini-budget affects your hiring expenses
  • Intoduction of different types of employment contracts
  • Understanding working culture in the UK & tips on human resources management

About the speakers

Wanda Chow

Director of an investment fund that invests in hospitality and real estate industries, including a student accommodation portfolio of over 250 rooms in the Midlands.  Previously worked at the International Criminal Court, The Hague Netherlands and the Executive Office of the Secretary General, United Nations Headquarter, New York US.  Born and raised in Hong Kong. Speaks fluent Cantonese and English.

Find A Good Boss UK is a Hong Kong professional youth recruitment social enterprise founded in July 2019. In late 2021, with the funding from At Home Foundation, Findagoodboss expanded its services to the UK with a view to help BNO newcomers - especially youngsters with little to no financial support - settle down in their new homes by providing job matching, career counselling and job seeking webinars. The company has reached dozens of employers and hundreds of job seekers since its inception.

Webinar Details

Date: 2 November 2022 (Wed)

Time: 12:30 - 2 p.m.(BST)

Participants: BN(O) status holders who live in West Midlands; other Hongkongers are also welcomed

Language: Cantonese

Fee: Free

Notice for participants

  1. A confirmation email, together with the meeting link, will be sent to your mailbox as soon as you register.
  2. The information session will be recorded and uploaded to our website and YouTube.


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