英國商業架構及稅務講座 Business structures and tax implications in the UK
英國執業會計師Mr. Thomas Fung 向大家講解英國不同商業架構的分別,及相關稅務資訊,協助大家找到合適自己的經營架構。Professional accountant Mr. Thomas Fung will share knowledge on business structure and taxation, hoping to guide you through choosing the suitable structure for your own business.
Time & Location 時間及地點
Mar 11, 2023, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Brighton, Business & IP Centre, 1/F, Jubilee Library, Jubilee St, Brighton BN1 1GE, UK
Details 活動詳情
【Brighton & Hove 免費實體講座】英國商業架構及稅務講座
香港商匯的服務擴展到Brighton & Hove了!我們將聯同Brighton & Hove City Council 同及Business & IP Centre Brighton & Hove 舉辦一連串免費商業講座及諮詢服務!歡迎希望在英國創業或發展業務的你參加!
選擇合適的經營架構往往是創業路上的一大難題!究竟獨資經營(sole trader)或有限公司(limited company)比較適合你?Community Interest Companies(CIC)又是什麼?不同經營架構的報稅程序和稅率又有什麼分別?
第一擊,我們邀請了英國執業會計師Mr. Thomas Fung 和大家講解在英國不同的商業架構,和相關稅務資訊,幫助大家將來創立公司時懂得如何選擇經營模式 。除此之外,亦希望借今次講座,提供一個平台及已經或準備在白禮頓及霍夫創業的港人認識彼此。
- Business & IP Centre資源介紹
- 營商經營架構簡介
- 創立公司條件及程序
- 稅務相關資訊
- 創業支援機構資訊
地點:Jubilee Library
講者:英國執業會計師 Mr. Thomas Fung
名額:40 人
Hong Kong Business Hub 將聯同Brighton & Hove City Council 同 Business & IP Centre Brighton & Hove (Jubilee Library) 一共將合作舉辦3個在英營商資訊講座,內容包括經營架構、會計與稅務要求及營銷推廣,另外亦會提供一對一營商諮詢服務(名額有限),歡迎有意在英創業港人參與。請繼續留意我們的社交媒體及網站,緊貼最新資訊。
【Free in-person workshops @ Brighton & Hove】 Business structures and tax implications in the UK
Hong Kong Business Hub is coming to Brighton & Hove! New workshops on starting or growing your business in the U.K. are coming to the city. We are partnering with Brighton & Hove City Council and the Business & IP Centre Brighton & Hove to hold a series of free workshops and consultation sessions! We welcome everyone who is hoping to start a business or grow an existing business.
Have you been struggling in finding a suitable business structure for your business? Should I register as a “limited company” or “sole trader”? Do you know CIC stands for Community Interest Companies?
Not to mention the different tax rates for various business structures! Hong Kong Business Hub has invited a professional accountant Mr Thomas Fung to share his knowledge on business structures and taxation, to guide you through choosing the suitable structure for your own business. It will also be an opportunity for you to meet and connect with different entrepreneurs in Brighton & Hove!
The workshop will include:
- Introduction to the Business & IP Centre and its resources
- Introduction on business structures
- Incorporation requirements and procedures
- Information on taxation
- Finding local support
Event details:
Date:11th March, 2023 (Saturday)
Time:2PM to 4PM
Venue:Jubilee Library
Target:BNO visa holders who are hoping to start their own businesses in Brighton &Hove; other Hongkongers are welcomed to join
To enrol:link
Guest Speaker:Professional Accountant, Mr Thomas Fung
Language:Cantonese and English
Quota: 40 People
Hong Kong Business Hub will organise three business workshops in Brighton & Hove partnering with Brighton & Hove City Council and the Business & IP Centre Brighton & Hove (Jubilee Library), covering information on business structures, tax implications and marketing and promotion. We will also be providing 1-to-1 consultation sessions (limited spaces). We welcome Hongkongers in the city who are hoping to start business or grow an existing business in the U.K. For updated information, please check our social media platforms and website!