【英國社交媒體營銷及客戶私穩保障 和你傾】Guide to social media marketing and GDPR in the UK
香港商匯特地請來社交媒體管理達人Kaga Chung及英國律師行法律助理Douglas Li,分享經營社交網絡平台的實戰經驗,以及解釋客戶資料保障的相關法規,讓各位創業同路人免墮法網。Join us for a live webinar to learn more about social media marketing and GDPR in the UK
Time & Location 時間及地點
Nov 30, 2022, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
via Google Meet
Details 活動詳情
(Please scroll down for english version)
【免費網上講座】英國社交媒體營銷及客戶私穩保障 和你傾
- 各社交媒體平台特色
- 有限資源下,如何有效地投放網絡廣告資源?
- 英國General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)概要
- 如何於合法情況下利用客戶資料推行市場推廣?
- 何時要交資料保障費用?
Kaga Chung
Kaga 是一名前香港記者、社交媒體編輯,曾於Roseate Hotels & Resorts英國分部市場部工作,主責社交媒體、電子刊物、邀約KOL及企業合作等。他現在主要協助一位英國企業家,管理責旗下咖啡及古董品牌的社交媒體、數間酒吧的日常營運及音樂活動統籌。
Douglas Li
Douglas現在是倫敦一所律師樓的一位法律助理。於2020 年在香港完成法律學士學位後,Douglas再於2021於英國修讀法律碩士學位課程。自畢業以來,Douglas已經投身英國法律界一年有多,並在訴訟、草擬合約、移民法方面多有涉獵。Douglas最終希望可以進入倫敦的國際律師樓繼續自己的法律旅程。
日期:11月30日 (三)
時間:12:30 - 2 p.m. (英國時間)
對象:主要為有意於英格蘭中部西區創業的港人 。(同時也歡迎其他地區的港人參與)
- 填妥報名表格後,將收到確認電郵及網上講座連結。
- 簡介會將會進行錄影,並上載至香港商匯網站及YouTtube。
【Free Business Webinar】Guide to social media marketing and GDPR in the UK
Have you ever wondered how to build your own brand, increase the brand awareness and generate new customers when starting your new business? And do you know it can cause serious consequences if your business failed to comply with the Data Protection Act (DPA) in the UK when conducting marketing activities? Hong Kong Business Hub 香港商匯 is happy to have Mr. Kaga Chung, an experienced social media content editor in Hong Kong and the UK, and Mr. Douglas Li, caseworker from a UK’s law firm, to share about:
- Overview of social media landscape in the UK
- How to advertise on social media effectively?
- Introduction of GDPR in the UK
- Use customer data for marketing legally
- When should your company pay a data protection fee?
About the speakers
Kaga Chung
Kaga Chung was a Journalist, Digital Content Producer and Social Media Specialist back in Hong Kong. He worked in marketing department of Roseate Hotels & Resorts, handling social media channels, eDM marketing, KOL and corporate co-ordination previously. He is now the personal assistant of an English hospitality entrepreneur, responsible for music event management, social media marketing of a coffee and antique brand, as well as the daily operation of several pubs in London, Reading and Winchester.
Douglas Li
Douglas is currently working as a paralegal in a law firm. He finished his undergraduate Bachelor of Laws degree in Hong Kong in 2020. He then furthered his studies with a Master of Laws degree in the United Kingdom in 2021. Since graduation, he has worked as a paralegal for over a year. He has considerable experience in contentious and non-contentious matters, with a special focus on immigration law and commercial contract drafting. He is continuing to develop his knowledge in other areas of the law with the ultimate aim of qualifying for international law firms in the United Kingdom.
Webinar Details
Date: 30 November 2022 (Wed)
Time: 12:30 - 2 p.m.(BST)
Participants: BN(O) status holders who live in West Midlands; other Hongkongers are also welcomed
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free
Notice for participants
- A confirmation email, together with the meeting link, will be sent to your mailbox as soon as you register.
- The information session will be recorded and uploaded to our website and YouTube.