【英國飲食生意入門攻略 】Guide to start a food business in the UK
香港商匯特地請來Bubble Land 創辦人Stanley,為我地分享一下如何由零開始一步步創立自己的飲食生意。Join us for a live webinar to learn more about how to start your food business in the UK
Time & Location 時間及地點
Feb 27, 2023, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
via Google Meet
Details 活動詳情
(Please scroll down for english version)
不少打算於英國創業的港人都有進軍飲食業的打算,有些選擇由零創立自家品牌,亦有不少朋友考慮特許加盟,或以頂手的形式創業,究竟哪一種經營方式才最適合自己?香港商匯 Hong Kong Business Hub 是次請來Bubble Land 創辦人Stanley,為我們分享一下如何由零開始一步步創立自己的飲食生意。
Stanley Chan
Stanley 乃英國小食店Bubble Land創辦人之一,移英後用了一年時間進行資料搜集並到處考察,並以半年時間籌備,整合一系列小本經營飲食生意資訊,支援一班有意經營小食生意嘅BNO港人。
日期:2月27日 (一)
時間:12:30p.m. - 2:00p.m. (英國時間)
對象:主要為有意於英格蘭中部西區創業的港人 。(同時也歡迎其他地區的港人參與)
- 填妥報名表格後,將收到確認電郵及網上講座連結。
- 簡介會將會進行錄影,並上載至香港商匯網站及YouTtube。
【Free Business Webinar】Guide to start a food business in the UK
Many Hongkongers are considering a business in the food and beverage industry. There are different ways to start your food business, e.g. creating your own brand from zero, joining a franchise or taking over an existing business, etc. How should you pick the best way that suits you the most? 香港商匯 Hong Kong Business Hub is happy to have Stanley, Founder of Bubble Land to share about:
🔸UK’s takeaway food scene
🔸How to start your food business with small start-up capital
🔸Comparison of different business operation model
🔸How to register your food business in the UK
🔸Successful case studies
About the speakers
Stanley Chan
Stanley is one of the co-founder of Bubble Land,he has spent over a year to intergrate all relevant info of starting a food business in the UK via conducting different research and site visit all around the UK. He is happy to share all information to other Hongkongers who would like to start their food business in the UK.
Webinar Details
Date: 27 February 2022 (Mon)
Time: 12:30p.m. - 2:00p.m. (GMT+0)
Participants: BN(O) status holders who live in West Midlands; other Hongkongers are also welcomed
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free
Notice for participants
- A confirmation email, together with the meeting link, will be sent to your mailbox as soon as you register.
- The information session will be recorded and uploaded to our website and YouTube.