「在英港人初創培育計劃」簡介會(第二場)UK-Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Incubation Programme Information Session (second session)
簡介會將為各位在英創業港人介紹計劃的詳情和報名貼士,萬勿錯過!Information session will provide potential applicants with more programme details and tips on standing out from other applications.
Time & Location 時間及地點
Aug 20, 2023, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
via Google Meet
Details 活動詳情
香港商匯推出首個專為初移英港人而設的「在英港人初創培育計劃」,希望加強移英創業港人的競爭力,助大家踏上成功之路 !自計劃推出以來,反應熱烈,我們收到不少查詢。不少有意參加計劃的港人更不約而同地表示,在填寫報名表的過程中,令他們能深入思考其業務計劃。
- 參加由專業導師教授的工作坊,內容包括改善商業計劃書及向投資者推銷的技巧
- 免費參加計劃的交流活動,擴闊其商業人際網絡
- 有機會與潛在投資者會面,獲取最少 5 萬英鎊的初創資金投資
- 計劃簡介
- 報名貼士 及 評分標準
- 問答環節
日期:8月20日 (日)
時間:10 - 11a.m. (英國時間)
1. 填妥報名表格後,將收到確認電郵及網上講座連結。
2. 簡介會將會進行錄影,並上載至香港商匯網站及YouTtube。
"UK-Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Incubation Programme" Information Session (first sessionn)
Hong Kong Business Hub will organise “UK-Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Incubation Programme” to support new migrants from Hong Kong in the UK, who are looking to improve and expand their new business in the UK.
Successful applicants will enjoy:
- Free practical training workshops on business plan refinement and pitching skills
- Complementary networking events
- Unique opportunity to pitch to investors and secure equity nvestment of at least £50,000
With the overwhelming response and enquiries on our programme, we would like to share with you more programme details and some tips on standing out from other applicants via infomation session. Don't miss out the chance!
During infomation session, we will share...
- Programme introduction
- Tips on standing out from other applications
- Selection criteria
- Q&A session
Other Event Details
Date: 20 August 2023 (Sun)
Time: 10 - 11a.m.(BST)
Participants: Interested applicants
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free
Notice for participants
- A confirmation email, together with the meeting link, will be sent to your mailbox as soon as you register.
- The information session will be recorded and uploaded to our website and YouTube.
More Details of UK-Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Incubation Programme: